All Las Vegas Cakes
1553 – Quinceanera
"Quinceanera" is a rite of passage for most girls in Latin culture. The celebration of the 15th birthday signifies a girl's transition from childhood to womanhood. The mode of celebration varies slightly, depending on the specific country of origin, and can range from a "block-party" style to an elegant, fully formal affair. This design would be at home at either type of affair. Two topsy-turvy tiers are demurely decorated in pink, lavender, and white. A harlequinesque motif adorns the bottom layer; lavender diamonds against a white background, each corner embellished with a lavender bead. The top layer, in pink, is artfully appointed with purple dots, lavender beads and whimsical hand-drawn spirals of white. A single strand of lavender beads edges the base of each tier, and clutches of dainty flowers appear in several locations. This work embodies perfectly the shift in focus that the young lady is celebrating tonight.
Category: Quinceanera Cake