All Las Vegas Cakes

1551-Big Bird & Elmo
What could be better for a one-year-old's birthday? This gigantic hand-molded "numeral" design is simply perfect. Done up in a very "masculine" sky blue, for the birthday boy, it's also air-brushed to include shades of green and yellow. A road is marked off by yellow lines, and all the edges of this design are embellished with a bright yellow ruffle, drizzled with a blue curlicue motif. "Big Bird and Elmo" are two of the most popular characters from Sesame Street. There are few youngsters who are unacquainted with these two. Here, Big Bird is driving a tow truck on the road, most likely in an attempt to assist Elmo, whose car must have broken down, along the way. Tiny blue flowers decorate the side of the road and this is a decidedly pleasant place to have car trouble. While they are in the vicinity, they may as well stick around to wish Ray a very happy first birthday. Plenty of cake for everyone, here, and many happy returns of the day, too!
Category: Kids Cakes