Spooky Cakes Are On The Loose

What on earth is Halloween without a party?! Everyone at Pastry Palace is here year-round (really – 365 days – bet you didn’t know that!) making fabulous confections for brides, birthdays and beautiful events, we must confess that we get to have the most fun in our kitchen crafting weird, wacky and wonderful designs for our customers who seem to possess imagination galore. (davidlawrencecenters.org)
Some folks like to start out slow, with just a hint of the holiday in your presentation. Simple and elegant (just like real spider webs) – the use of just a few basic Halloween motifs will provide an understated cake design (but it definitely leans to the spooky side of things).

Other times, your All Hallow’s Eve event may want to play to the crowd (especially if it happens to coincide with another wonderful life event – such as a birthday or a wedding. Yes – these next two photos are of wedding cakes, too!). In that case, you’d want to spice things up a bit (or is that, “slice” things up? – heh, heh, heh). So perhaps a theme that’s a bit more ‘deadly’ would be the preference.

And seriously, what Halloween would be complete without a Tim Burton-inspired collection of deep, dark and mysterious designs? Fortunately, there’s no shortage of fun in this department, either, as you can see from these concoctions of scenes and characters that haunt some of our tv-movie stations this time of year.

It really doesn’t matter, though, just how crazy or demented or spooky your ideas, the important thing to remember (which we always like to remind you about) – is that The Cake Makes The Event! (and we make the Event Cakes!)