All Las Vegas Cakes

1593 – Minion Wedding
For that couple who are dyed-in-the-wool Minion fans, this one is for you! Two round tiers, nothing fussy or frilly, but iced in a flattering lavender, and modestly and efficiently decorated with a modicum of hand-drawn artwork in contrasting black, is characteristic and most suitable. Blue satin ribbon bands edge the base of each tier. Though misguided, Minions are known to be fiercely loyal, and extremely eager to please. This is all well and good for one about to enter into the sanctified state of matrimony (their word for "marriage" is "la boda"). At the same time they are friendly and fun-loving, despite being relatively simple-minded, and possessed of a rather childish sense of humor. In this iteration, they are apparently to be taken quite seriously. The male has donned fresh coveralls and even a formal black tie. The female is in bridal white, and matching white gloves. "Minion Bride and Groom" is ideal for that soon-to-be-united couple with a distinct and quirky sense of fun.
Category: Wedding Cakes