All Las Vegas Cakes

1512-Vegas 21st Birthday
There is no place like "Fabulous Las Vegas" for a 21st birthday! Where else can you cross off ALL those things reserved for people who are 21 and over, in one fell swoop? "Sin City", "Lost Wages", "The Entertainment Capital of the World", "Capital of Second Chances" - all these are descriptive nicknames for this incredible city. This striking design in black, white, and red, captures all the excitement to be had during a weekend in Las Vegas. Cards, dice, the roulette wheel motif on the edge of the cake, all come together in a hand of four aces, crowning the affair. The "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign is rendered in great detail, and gaming chips are everywhere. It's easy to see why "Vegas 21st Birthday" is one of our most popular designs. And remember: "What happens in Vegas, STAYS in Vegas!"