All Las Vegas Cakes

1799 – Gangster Era
This brilliant work could be said to be homage to the 1920s-style gangster, a la Al Capone, and his ilk. All the cliche's are here: the "pinstripe" suit is evidenced in the white stripe on the black square tier that comprises the base of this work; the white tie, which was de rigueur gangster fashion, back in the day; the snappy white fedora, with black band; the automatic pistol (also in matching black, to keep with our color theme); and of course, hundred dollar bills strewn carelessly, everywhere. Gangsters, such as Al Capone were well known for their attention to their appearance - so much so, in fact, that their style of dress eventually became a caricature. This piece harkens back to those days, conjuring up visions of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, and Elliott Ness and his Untouchables. The era has been romanticized to a certain extent, but its appeal has never waned. "Gangster from Another Era" is a fabulous selection for any student of the genre, whether crime history buff, or a devotee of the gazillions of movies that glamorized the period.
Category: Birthday Cakes