All Las Vegas Cakes

1594 -Call of Duty Playstation
Sony's PlayStation was the first video game console to ship 100 million units, 9 years and 6 months after its initial launch, December 3, 1994. Early in February, 2014, it was reported that Sony had already sold more of their popular PlayStation game consoles, worldwide, than had been targeted for the entire year - over 5.3 million units! This custom job was created to a unique set of specifications. Hand-shaped to depict the PlayStation3 console, it is precisely accurate in every aspect - and you can have one, too! Iced in flat black, the chrome trim and lettering are executed in astonishing detail. Coupled with "Call of Duty; Black Ops", this is an absolute winner of a design in the art of "cakery." Black Ops II is a first-person "shooter" game and the first in the "Call of Duty" franchise to feature future warfare technology and to present branching storylines driven by player choice. Its popularity is exceeded by few other video games. For your "hard-core" gamer, this selection is certain to "hit the mark.