All Las Vegas Cakes

1576 – Purple Roses / Green Roses
Roses are the floral equivalent of the language of love. In that universal language, purple roses are a man-made innovation to convey that one has fallen in love with the recipient "at first sight." Green roses are said to impart a sense of balance and stability, along with a renewal of life and energy. Combine the two, and you have a perfect recipe for a wedding cake design. These stunning hand-crafted blooms in darkest shades create a bold statement. The two square tiers in traditional bridal white, are a perfect setting for the artful clutches of roses. A touch of fanciful artwork in dark purple adorns the sides of the cake, as broad bands of dark purple satin finish off the base of each tier. The sentiments here are stated fearlessly for all to know. This couple is certain. This couple is courageous. This couple knows what is important. If you wish to make that statement, too, "Purple Roses/Green Roses" is for you.
Category: Wedding Cakes