All Las Vegas Cakes

1893 – Gold Filigree
Archaeological finds in ancient Mesopotamia indicate that filigree has been incorporated into jewelry since 3,000 BC. Specific to the city of Midyat in upper Mesopotamia, a form of filigree using silver and gold wires, known as "telkari", was developed in the 15th Century. To this day, expert craftsmen in this region continue to produce fine pieces of telkari. Those same expert craftsmen might have had a hand in this singular sensation - but it was our own expert designers and decorators who produced this fabulous work. Two round tiers in shimmering white serve as the canvas upon which our artisans created this ornate and intricate floral-pattern filigree in dazzling gold. To crown this ode to the art of cakery, a magnificent single peony shines like a beacon of gold. If it's elegance combined with brilliance that you seek, this is the design for your event.
Category: Wedding Cakes