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HomeAll Las Vegas CakesBirthday Cakes1857 – “21” – Bottoms Up

Wedding Cakes | Fresh Bakery | Pastry Palace Las Vegas

1857 – “21” – Bottoms Up

I remember when I turned 21 - just last week! Well, maybe a few years ago…but I still remember it! It seems no birthday is so anticipated, nor as memorable as the one where we finally attain access to things that were once off-limits - at least legally speaking. This festive affair certainly captures the spirit of the event perfectly! Two round tiers, in pink and white form the backdrop for this design, the lower one ringed with a strand of large brilliant white beads. Stemmed wine glasses, generously filled with white wine, dot the side of the bottom pink layer. A collection of cocktail napkins, imprinted with twin crystal flutes, also full to the brim with that ultimate celebratory beverage, champagne, rings the base of the upper tier. Sets of the flutes, mid-toast, also decorate the side of the top tier. "Bottoms Up!" being the operative phrase here, the toasting should begin any minute. A large beaded initial "B" is displayed front and center on this piece, and an equally large "21" studded with beads of sparkling silver crowns the work. An ideal selection for that "big one", it aptly conveys the desired ambience of the affair.