All Las Vegas Cakes

1823 – Sailing Out To Sea
This charming nautical design is ideal for a young boy's birthday celebration. Done up in jaunty red, white, and blue, it has a cheerful appeal, all its own. The base tier, in "fluffy cloud white", boasts a ring of decor that includes hefty blue anchors and tiny with sailboats on squares of red and blue. A band of blue satin ribbon, embellished with a narrow band of red, encircles the base of the tier. The upper tier is iced in "sky blue" and overlaid with broad stripes of "deep ocean blue." A woven rope in red surrounds this tier. Perched atop the entire affair is an adorable blue sailboat, complete with red and white life preserver (safety first!), sails of blue and white, and a perky young sailor, ready to explore the world! "Sailing Out to Sea" is a nifty design worthy of any young skipper!
Category: Kids Cakes