All Las Vegas Cakes

1768 – Pink Cash Box
This novelty design is simply a delight, in every way. This tantalizing and enticing large gift box, in shocking pink, is beautifully wrapped up in white velvet ribbon, and adorned with a stunning gigantic bow on top. One can only imagine how scrumptious what's inside will eventually be. A large gift tag declares the festive occasion, and identifies the honoree. Bundles and folded wads of hundred dollar bills are carelessly strewn everywhere. No doubt, this denotes a wish for the birthday girl to experience unparalleled prosperity during the entire coming year. Someone once asked me what my favorite kind of paper was. I answered without hesitation: "The green kind, with pictures of presidents on it." If this birthday girl feels the same way, she's certain to appreciate everything about this birthday party centerpiece that we call "Pink Cash Box!"
Category: Birthday Cakes