All Las Vegas Cakes

Wedding Cakes | Fresh Bakery | Pastry Palace Las Vegas

1663 – Spa Day

This design might be an indication of "things to come." Perhaps this gathering is simply a prelude to a luxurious day at the spa. The colors in this design are especially soothing - cool and restful to the eyes. Pale pink has been proven to have a calming effect, and green tends to incline people's thoughts to nature - visions of forests and streams. Atop this custom work is a face that is obviously relaxed. On the face is an assuasive avocado, honey, and lime masque, which will clarify and refresh the skin, and over the closed and sleepy eyes are the de rigueur refreshing cucumber slices which work wonders on puffy eyes. A day at the spa is like a mini-vacation. A change of scene, soft pleasant music, dim lighting, and invigorating, yet comfortable, treatments - it's something everyone should do, on occasion. It can change your entire outlook on life, and this design is a testament to that idea. "Spa Day" was created by our specialists to remind us all to stop and smell the roses, once in awhile.