All Las Vegas Cakes

1657 – Mazel Tov!
Yom Hu'ledet Sameach - That's how you say "Happy Birthday", in Hebrew. Or you might just want to opt for "Mazel Tov!" - especially if the occasion is a bar mitzvah. Bar mitzvah marks the solemn, but joyful day that a Jewish boy "comes of age." A great deal of instruction and study goes into preparing for this day; it's only fitting that a great deal of deliberation go into the celebration party, too! This large rectangular tier is done up in bright blue and shimmering white, not incidentally the colors of the flag of Israel. The design also incorporates the "Star of David", which is not only present on the flag of Israel, but a symbol associated with Jewish identity since the 17th century. The spaces provided for pictures maybe be used in many different ways, on this design. Here they are used for family pictures, along with other items associated with Judaism, such as the menorah. This design reveres tradition, and is ready to serve, at a joyous occasion! "Yom Hu'ledet Sameach!" (or "Mazel Tov!")
Category: Birthday Cakes