All Las Vegas Cakes

1592 – Minnie Mouse on the House
What little girl could resist this effervescent work? It's fairly overflowing with "cute." Two round tiers, one in pink, the other in shimmering white, and generously speckled with abstract dots of purple, defined by black outlines, form the base of this canvas. Meticulously created silhouettes of Minnie, complete with dainty representations of her trademark pink bow, are strategically placed around the side of the bottom layer. Purple hand-drawn curlicues add a touch more color. A strand of glittering purple beads surrounds and finishes off the base of this tier. Crowning the design is a third "tier", hand-shaped in the likeness of a genuine Mouseketeer hat, in black, with large round mouse ears intact. A very large pink bow, with white polka dots sits between the ears, identifying it unmistakably as belonging to Mickey Mouse's #1 girl, Minnie. This adorable baby shower/welcome-to-the-family design will be recognizable to anyone, and admired by simply everyone. "Minnie Mouse in the House" is both simple and charming, at the same time; a treasure foretelling the one yet to come.
Category: Kids Cakes