All Las Vegas Cakes

1473 – Masterpiece
This show-stopping design defies description! Words are simply inadequate to the task. A billowing tower of four tiers is demurely dressed in ivory, from base to crown. The bottom and top round tiers are embellished with crystal ribbons, and subtly adorned with hand-drawn artwork, also in ivory. The center two tiers are executed in multiple "accordion folds" that fan out to form a pair of splendiferous spheres, crystal ribbons accentuating the folds. A plethora of over-sized, hand-formed, and individually tinted flowers border the base of each of the spherical tiers. Delicate shades of lavender, ice-blue, spring-green, and fairy-pink add exactly the correct splash of subdued color, separating the tiers. An additional clutch of these spectacular blooms crowns this affair. "Masterpiece" will hold its own in any situation, for any occasion, no matter how majestic. From a wedding to a coronation, this exquisite monument to cakery will be a centerpiece to be remembered!