All Las Vegas Cakes

1426 – Pink Shoebox
This luscious, frothy confection simply oozes femininity! For the woman who isn't afraid to revel in "being a girl", this selection is the one. A stunningly beautiful oversized rectangular tier in the likeness of a "Pink Shoebox" in glorious shades of pink, accented with ribbon bands of satiny black (always a fabulous combination!), is presented here, for all to "ooooh" and "aaaah" over. The absolutely gorgeous pair of high-heeled "mules" perched on top of the box will be envied by every female guest in attendance. A small clutch of delicate pink roses adorns the base of the tier, and another, larger spray of roses, resting on a bed of gossamer white ribbon accompanies the ivory-toned shoes, to magnificent effect. It's a sure bet that everyone will be hoping those shoes are in their size! What a centerpiece for a birthday celebration!