All Las Vegas Cakes

1420 – Set of Drums
This novelty work consists of three round tiers done up to simulate a professional "Set of Drums." For the aspiring drummer, the part-time musician, or the seasoned pro, this fabulous work is sure to please. The abstract design embedded in the red, the white drum heads, and the steel rims and tuning hardware all combine to create a very realistic-looking facsimile. The drumsticks appear to be real enough to pick them up and begin "rat-a-tat"ing to accompany the next song that the DJ decides to play! This design could be put to use as a centerpiece for a birthday celebration, to celebrate a first "gig", or a graduation from Julliard. It's designs like this custom job (not to mention all the lusciousness on the INside) that keep our customers coming back for more!