All Las Vegas Cakes

1400 – Monster University
Ask any kids these days what college they want to attend when they grow up, and you're more than likely to get an energetic response of: "Monster University!"And who can blame them? At this place of higher learning, it's where they can learn some truly valuable skills to last their entire lifetime. They can go to Harvard afterwards.In the meantime, surprise them at their upcoming birthday event with this clever and colorful creation that captures all the best of the recently released movie - second in the "Monsters" lineup by Pixar. Two round tiers, both covered with shiny, smooth fondant - one layer of blue and one of lavender - featuring The Door Lab, with flowers, polka dots and several of the film's characters - most importantly, of course, Mike - perched atop the entire event. A cake that will bring together happy faces and lots of laughter.