All Las Vegas Cakes

1300 – Large Events
Here at Pastry Palace, we're all about - well, "pastries" - as you can see by the delicious jumbled assortment shown here. In a city renowned for conferences, conventions and events - we're proud to say that we are the bakery of choice for many event organizers when it comes to providing beautiful and decadent desserts, either assorted or in large single quantities, on a regular basis. A glance through our pastry gallery online will show these items more closely - from eclairs and cream puffs to cannoli and fruit tarts, napoleons and brownies, cupcakes of all kinds and decor, and much much more. Planning for a large event in the near future? Give us a call and we'll be happy to meet with you and arrange a tasting of the possibilities you can choose from to completely "Wow" your guests.