All Las Vegas Cakes

Wedding Cakes | Fresh Bakery | Pastry Palace Las Vegas

1297 – Dungeness Crab

Welcome to the shore! Seems to be the greeting this intricately-crafted Dungeness Crab is saying. Sitting atop a simple round cake of white whipped cream icing - and surrounded by scattered 'sand' everywhere, it's obvious he is in his element and probably looking for a good time. (Crabs are much more fun that you think - remember Sebastian?) This one, though, is more than likely going to stay put atop this cake, the perfect choice for the beach-party themed celebration. From his realistic claws and legs to his tendriled eyes, he dominates this design and you're probably going to be spending a lot of time staring into those beady little eyes to see if you can make contact, he looks that real (and tasty). No need for claw crackers here, though . . . we promise he's made of sweeter things than shells.