All Las Vegas Cakes

1268 – Butterfly Blue
This work of art combines grace, elegance, dazzling color, and the beauty of nature, in perfect harmony. A modest tower of two tiers provides the canvas against which these lovely blue morpho butterflies display their flawless form and iridescence. Broad ribbons of turquoise to match the radiant hue of the butterflies encircle the top of each tier, and single strands of miniature pearls in luminous white provide an understated finishing edge to each layer. Glittering jewel trim on the butterflies seems to reflect the rays of the sun itself, giving the appearance that the butterflies might take flight at any given moment. Everyone knows that it's good luck for a butterfly to land on them, so what could be more propitious than having four of them remain here? Whether for a birthday, bridal shower, or wedding, this design will no doubt bring luck!