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1219 – Chinese Wedding
In Chinese tradition, ancient and modern, red is the official wedding color as it signifies joy, love, and prosperity. Here, two square tiers in the time-honored hue are bound in broad black ribbon bands and matching decorative bows. Each tier is meticulously ornamented with a stylish motif of flourishes and curlicues in shiny black, adding a touch of elegance to the drama of the red. Atop the design, the bride is being carried to the wedding ceremony.In traditional Chinese culture, it is considered bad luck for the bride's feet to touch the ground on the day of the wedding, before the ceremony takes place, so either a trusted friend, relative, or perhaps the bridegroom himself, might carry her on his/her back in order to preclude the possibility of tempting fate. Surely, this homage to Chinese culture will bode well for the happy couple!
Category: Wedding Cakes