All Las Vegas Cakes

1920 – Elsa & a Host of Olafs (Frozen)
This enchanting work is from our line of "Frozen" cakes. The seemingly never-ending popularity of the movie "Frozen" has stirred the creative juices of our expert designers. At center stage is a golden-haired representation of Elsa, with a gown molded of scrumptious cake and decorated in ice blue, embellished with icicles, snowflakes, and sparkling hand-piped trim. At the base of the supporting tier, Olaf stands guard on the platform of the revolving carousel turntable. Standing in front of the "main event" is a plethora, or perhaps a veritable "army" of Olafs, ready to defend Elsa from any and all foes. I'm not sure what damage they might do, but their hearts are certainly in the right place. These tempting cupcakes are each topped with an iteration of Olaf in all his glory - twig arms, carrot nose, inimitable smile. What a treat for a little girl's birthday!
Category: Kids Cakes