All Las Vegas Cakes

1910 – Minions Love Cake
This cheerful design in bright yellow and blue is simply a delight. Minions galore are present to wish someone a very happy birthday! Minions are those cheery little characters of movie fame who set to any task with determination and gusto, even if they are not the brightest. Children around the world have taken to them and their custom-created language. They are child-like creatures, eager to please, and appreciative of the simpler things in life - like CAKE!! Perhaps that's why children relate to them. For example, who couldn't relate to that minion perched atop this work who's licking his lips at the prospect of chomping into that chocolate cupcake covered with gobs of green icing and sprinkles? If your toddler is a fan, you cannot miss with this birthday party centerpiece!
Category: Kids Cakes