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1736 – Pokemon Birthday
Pokemon is amedia franchisepublished and owned by Japanesevideo gamecompanyNintendoand created bySatoshi Tajiriin 1996, focused on the fantastical titular creatures. Pokemon has since become the second-most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's own"Mariofranchise. Pokemon has been incredibly popular, world-wide, and the characters have since beenmerchandisedintoanime,manga,trading cards, toys, books, and other media. Here we have two characters who have come a long way to wish Lara a very happy birthday. Dragons are among the most elusive and powerful of all Pokemon. Nine legendary Pokemon are part dragon-type and they are extremely magical and powerful. For any Pokemon devotee, a visit from Charizard will be an assurance of a happy day, and a lucky year to come.
Category: Kids Cakes