All Las Vegas Cakes

1611 – Ooo La La! (Corset)
This charming (and sexy) design captures perfectly that illusory figment of imagination, the classical"hourglass" figure. Still much sought after, even though current trends tend toward slimmer, tighter, leggier figures, the "zaftig" look has never lost its appeal, among most men. Certainly, that appearance was not attained without assistance, such as this lovely specimen of bustier. But the garment itself is attractive and enticing. This particular one is in red satin, and trimmed in ruffled trim of black organza. No doubt, the black satin ribbon trim is covering "whale bone" which artificially cinches the waist (why any woman ever subjected herself to this torturous device is a mystery!) Decorative buttons suggest an "open invitation" to further exploration. It's easy to see why such a piece of lingerie is considered to be so alluring. It's also not much of a stretch to see how "Ooo La La!" could be a perfect selection for a birthday, bachelor party, or any event with a slightly risque ambience.
Category: Birthday Cakes