All Las Vegas Cakes

1358 – Golden Wedding
"Golden Wedding" is, in a word, transcendent. A majestic four-tiered tower in white, this piece is heavily embellished with gold. Golden beads ring the base and top tiers, one distinct woven braid encircles the tier closest to the bottom layer, and a completely different braid rings the second tier from the top. Hand-drawn appliqued artwork that resembles the finest gold metallurgy, in the form of intricate and ornate flourishes, roses, and floral vines, adorn each successive layer. The designs are reminiscent of Faberge's work for the Romanov dynasty, or might have simply been touched by King Midas himself. Oval-shaped aquamarines artfully stud the entire work, complementing the design and adding just a touch of cool, royal color. Crowning this skyscraper of a cake are huge peonies, also in gold, topping a most spectacular design!