All Las Vegas Cakes

Wedding Cakes | Fresh Bakery | Pastry Palace Las Vegas

1721 – Penises

Well, I feel certain, somehow, that this grouping of cupcakes is self-explanatory. If it's not, you shouldn't be looking at this design - STOP NOW! LOOK AWAY! - or I'll tell your mother! It's an odd juxtaposition, to be sure, but can you honestly think of anything more amusing than the comments these are sure to generate? The cupcakes of rich chocolate, or heavenly white cake, are beautifully and deliciously piled high with luscious frosting, upon which each collection of "family jewels" is carefully placed. As you can see, they are very realistic, in that they are all slightly different sizes, and also smaller than what most men claim to have - our designers insisted on that! They are oddly cute, resting as they are on a set of a pair of plump and spirited testicles. These are just the thing for your bachelorette party, and will have your guests talking for long after the affair. This plethora of penises is great fun - and just a tiny bit naughty!