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HomeAll Las Vegas CakesKids Cakes1529-Winnie, Tigger & Piglet

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1529-Winnie, Tigger & Piglet

This charming work is a one-year old's dream come true. Two tiers depict a typical setting for Winnie and friends; a lovely glen within a green forest, blue skies above, where fluffy white clouds float lazily along. Alongside the clouds are large balloons, each with a numeral "1" prominently displayed, tethered by white string, so that they won't "escape." Resting atop this tranquil scene are Piglet, Tigger, and Winnie-the-Pooh, dressed in their Sunday best, and sporting party hats! There's a birthday cake on a platform, and they are clearly only awaiting the arrival of little Eli himself. They seem eager to launch into an enthusiastic rendition of "Happy Birthday to You!" Everything about "Winnie, Tigger, and Piglet" is pleasing to the eye and the heart. Children and adults will appreciate this vision of peace and contentment.