All Las Vegas Cakes

Wedding Cakes | Fresh Bakery | Pastry Palace Las Vegas

1789 – Baby Giraffe

If this baby giraffe isn't the cutest thing you've seen today, we'll be surprised! Perched atop this irresistible piece, sitting on a bed of fresh leaves, he's waiting as patiently as a calf possibly could. He's got his bottle, and he's all dressed up in a delightful little blue bow tie. But just because he's got a bottle, doesn't mean that "mom" won't be somewhere near. A baby giraffe remains dependent on his mother, and a nursery group for approximately 18 months. The base tier of this piece is done up in the motif of a giraffe's coat. The coat pattern serves as camouflage, allowing it to blend in the light and shade patterns of savanna woodlands. Adult giraffes standing among trees and bushes are hard to see at even a few meters' distance. A twisted strand of rope separates the two tiers, and the upper tier is chock full of items for the new arrival, including some tiny footprints. "Baby Giraffe" is a delightful way to welcome home baby!