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Wedding Cakes | Fresh Bakery | Pastry Palace Las Vegas

240 – Deal Me In!

"Lucky at cards, unlucky at love"; as the player on the left wins against the house with "Blackjack", perhaps it's the dealer who is lucky in love!Did the dealer lose his heart as well as the hand on the night his love sat down at his table?Is this a re-enactment of the bride and groom meeting at a "21" table, one fortunate evening?A perfectly rendered "21" table, complete with green felt, cards and stacks of red, black and white chips, serves as the foundation for this creative work.While good luck is always welcome, certainly the declaration that "Dealer Stays Forever" and "Minimum Bet; 10 years" indicates a serious commitment!Two white tiers, enveloped by silver satin ribbon bands rise from the dealer's position, and seem to say "It all began here!"