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HomeAll Las Vegas CakesKids Cakes1783 – For the Future Physician

Wedding Cakes | Fresh Bakery | Pastry Palace Las Vegas

1783 – For the Future Physician

This birthday design is "For the Future Physician." A large round tier is iced in bright blue, and ringed at the base by a strand of large pink beads. A second "tier", in the guise of a not-quite-traditional "doctor's bag" rests atop the round tier. The doctor's bag is in purple and pink, embossed with the "doctor's" name in white lettering. All around the cake are "tools of the trade"; i.e. a stethoscope, an otoscope, for examining the patient's ears, and a plethora of bandages, that are certain to come in handy for those occasional "boo-boos." There are hearts and flowers present, denoting the innate kindness and love of humanity that doctors possess. This work is for that sensitive, caring child, who might have an eye or inclination for healing others. What more could you ask? Now, let's have some cake!