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1771 – Honey Bee

The humble honey bee, found in Ancient Near East and Aegean cultures, was believed to be the sacred insect that bridged the natural world to the underworld. Appearing in tomb decorations, Mycenaeantholos tombs were even shaped as beehives. Bee motifs are also seen in Mayan cultures, an example being the Ah-Muzen-Cab, the Bee God, found in Mayan ruins, likely designating honey-producing cities (who prized honey as food of the gods). This adorable and "sweet" design is an appropriate homage to the "Honey Bee." In brilliant yellow and black, charming bees take center stage, in this two-tiered, two-tone piece, flitting cheerfully, going about their business. This homage to the gentle, industrious honey bee is an excellent selection for anyone with any kind of affinity for bees, or perhaps for the woman whose name is "Honey" and her nickname is "Honey Bee."